Viewing entries tagged
palmira perez
En 2017 tomé la decisión de unirme al Canal 14 de KDTV Noticias en San Francisco y ha sido un tiempo increíble trabajar con estas maravillosas personas. Estaba tan emocionada de estar nominada para un premio Emmy y terminaría ganando 2 premios Emmy. Estudio mucho y trabajo aún más, sin embargo, gracias al maravilloso equipo que considero a la familia en KDTV, fui bendecido con estos Emmy.
In 2017 I made the decision to join KDTV Noticias Channel 14 in San Francisco and it’s been such an amazing time working with these wonderful people. I was so excited to be nominated for an Emmy Award and would end up winning 2 Emmy Awards. I study hard and work even harder, yet it is because of the wonderful team that I consider family at KDTV that I was blessed with these Emmy’s.
Ara Najarian & Palmira Perez
SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA – OCTOBER 3, 2017 – Univision Bay Area announced the appointment of Palmira Pérez as the new anchor for Noticias Univision 14 KDTV at 6 p.m. and 11p.m. An award-winning journalist, Pérez has a two-decade career based in Los Angeles, delivering information and breaking important stories that directly impact Hispanic lives.
“Palmira comes to the Bay Area as a trusted journalist, with a vast experience of giving voice to our community and covering the topics affecting Latinos in California and in our nation.” said Carolina Nuñez, Vice President, Regional News Director, Univision Bay Area. “She has a proven track record of excellence and she will be a fantastic addition to our team and the Bay Area community.”
Previously Pérez anchored the 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. newscasts on Spanish-language station KWHY Channel 22. Throughout her career, Peréz has interviewed some of the world’s most influential figures including Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Mexican Presidential candidate Josefina Vazquez Mota, former Mexican President Vicente Fox, renowned author Jaime Labastida and many more high-profile politicians. Her work has been recognized by The Radio & Television News Association of Southern California (RTNA) with four Golden Mike® Awards, the top awards in Southern California for TV journalistic excellence. A longtime member of the Television Academy, Pérez was Emmy nominated in 2014 for the 60-minute international TV news special, “Arts and Culture/History in Israel,” and in 2015 for “Culture/History: Los Secretos de Suleiman.”
Pérez holds a law degree from the University of Guadalajara. She is a member of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ), President of the Los Angeles Alumni Association of the University of Guadalajara, and a board member of “University of Guadalajara Foundation USA.”
Follow @PalmiraPerezTV and Univision Bay Area via @noticias14 on Twitter, @univision14 on Instagram, and comment along with others on the Facebook page.
CONTACT: Jose Zamora 305.925.8835 @UCIPRTeam
Learn from leaders in the Latino community as they share their insights on the best marketing practices, grants, loans, business licenses and more.
Stay and enjoy complimentary cocktails and appetizers. Seats are limited, RSVP today! I can't wait to meet you.
Millennium Biltmore Hotel
506 S. Grand Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Thursday, May 25, 2017
6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Eso dice este viejo Proverbio Chino, y a cuantos de nosotros no se nos ha olvidado ya lo que no practicamos desde el jugar en la calle hasta ahora el platicar con la gente. Si así como decía la abuela " lo que no se practica se olvida "... Si tienes hijos, si eres maestra, si eres mentor recuerda que no basta con hablar y hablar, mejor toma de la mano y ponte a practicar lo que quieres transmitir para así entender.
Te cuento que cuando yo estaba en la escuela o ya de profesional siempre he pedido que me enseñen con manzanitas, o sea que me lleven de la mano por todo el proceso una y otra vez para aprender y entender, siempre digo que si yo lo entiendo y lo aprendo, lo puedo transmitir.
Asi que por lo menos a mi este proverbio me funciono... Y a ti???
Me interesa escribir sobre el tema, pues a mi me ha pasado... Les cuento que el otro día me encontré a alguien que hacia tiempo que no veía, y se me ocurrió decirle " felicidades para cuando nace tu bebe ?" Upssss.... Me muero!!!! me contesta " no estoy embarazada "... Literalmente Tragame tierra!!!!... Y como esa muchas, que me han pasado... Desde ahi prefiero ( claro cuando me acuerdo ) pensar dos veces antes de soltar la lengua, recordemos que los golpes se borran y una palabra dicha que duele, se queda en la mente para siempre..
Te ha pasado? Cuéntame...